
Severočeské divadlo opery a baletu

INFO: The main theatre in Ústí nad Labem. Classical dramas and ballets are performed here.

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INFO: Alternative plays for (not only) young audience and also Art gallery.

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Činoherní studio (Činoherák)

INFO: Alternative plays for (not only) young audience.

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Cinema City

INFO: Cinema City is a brand of multiplex cinemas in eastern and central Europe, run by the Israeli company Cinema City International.
It is located on the 2nd floor of OC Forum Ústí nad Labem. It is open every day, you can pick your seats online in advance on their websites and spent some quality time with your friends here. They also often offer some discounts or special actions, so you can get some tickets for better price or even for free.

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MON - FRI 13.30 - 21.30
SAT - SUN 12.30 - 21.30

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